Message from BlackBerry: You can still count on us  

Blackberry addresses what customers they have left. I think this is a smart move despite the air of desperation. They provide clear communication, something that’s been lacking in the mobile tech business.

This paragraph in particular I found very interesting:

Yes, there is a lot of competition out there and we know that BlackBerry is not for everyone. That’s OK. You have always known that BlackBerry is different, that BlackBerry can set you apart. Countless world-changing decisions have been finalized, deals closed and critical communications made via BlackBerry. And for many of you that created a bond, a connection that goes back more than a decade.

To the average consumer, that probably sounds ridiculous, but as a former professional, I can find that completely believable.

Interesting juxtaposition between their touting of brand-loyalty and their release of BBM across Android and iOS.


Now read this


I dispute the idea that Eminem “won” on Renegade, or that he beat Jay-Z or even that he’s a better rapper. Here’s why. Take yourselves back to a long long time ago. Almost 15 years ago now. There was a different landscape for rap than... Continue →